We are committed to redefining canine wellness by embracing the philosophy that true wellness is a state of synergistic balance between the body and mind.

At the core of our mission, is the conviction that chronic diseases are manifestations of imbalance, and that diet plays a pivotal role in a dog’s well-being and it is the primary catalyst for achieving equilibrium in the body.

We advocate for a paradigm shift in pet nutrition, standing against the status quo perpetuated by Big Kibble— that prioritize profits over pets. 

Our purpose is rooted in a commitment to challenge the prevailing misconceptions: balanced, healthful, quality ingredients, certified, natural, prescribed, biologically appropriate — the sum of which conventional pet foods promote their products. 

We recognize that these industry giants often employ deceptive marketing tactics, relying on buzzwords to create an illusion of nutritional excellence while delivering products that not only fall short of providing the essential nutrients our canine companions require, but is a direct cause of the skyrocketing rates of chronic disease in dogs. 

We believe that pets deserve a biologically appropriate, balanced whole food diet that aligns with their evolutionary needs; diets that are free from highly processed, synthetic & low quality ingredients, artificial additives & fillers, inflammatory oils, glyphosate, and GMOs that have become commonplace in commercial pet foods.

By offering meticulously curated, natural canine nutrition solutions, we aim to set a new standard for excellence. Our commitment extends beyond profit margins; we are driven by a passion for fostering the health, vitality, and longevity of our canine companions, the way nature intended.

In our pursuit of canine wellness, we reject symptomatic treatments and instead advocate for a transformative approach that recognizes all dogs are capable of leading healthy lives and empowers pet owners to embrace a lifestyle that prioritizes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and alternative therapies. 

By fostering a culture of awareness and informed decision-making, we seek to break free from the dependence on quick fixes and address the root causes of health challenges in our pets. 

Join us in challenging the conventional, redefining the narrative around pet nutrition, and embracing a future where every dog thrives on a diet that honors their biological needs. We are not just changing what goes into the bowl; we are revolutionizing the way we nourish and care for our beloved canine family members.

Join the Pack!

If you are interested in feeding your dog a biologically appropriate diet and believe in the healing power of nature and food, I’d love to help you start this rewarding and eye opening journey. Send me an email at [email protected]