The Lone Wolf

When a human member of our pack became ill, I started to seek all of the answers and re-evaluate the way we were living life as a whole. Every time I’d research a topic on human disease, what is causing them, and the paths to wellness, I found myself also reading and learning about the same concepts and healing practices in my canine studies. I realized everything I was learning about nourishing the human or canine body was applicable to the whole pack, and that’s when I started making small changes to help us thrive and beat disease. I am here to share with you the knowledge I’ve gained along the journey, and to raise awareness about the state of our food & environment which is keeping people & their pets from thriving.

You have probably thought about it too — it feels like you are hearing more and more about loved ones, friends, friends of friends, and family members of friends who are being diagnosed with some type of cancer, chronic illness, or disease. It’s not a coincidence. At the beginning of this journey, I was spending a lot of time reading books & getting lost in articles, web pages, and blogs that revolved around the harmful toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the soaps we put on our bodies, the detergents we use everyday to do our dishes and wash our clothes, the sheets we sleep in, the bowls our dogs are eating out of, the materials their toys are made from, the beds they spend their days laying in…and this only scratches the surface. I was infuriated and had so many questions: How did we get here? Who let this happen? How many people out there are realizing this? And more importantly, what do I need to do right now?

While embarking on this wellness adventure for us humans, I had the same realization about dogs: it felt like every dog I knew had some type of gut or skin issue, cancer, a chronic illness, or their owners were telling me about the multiple trips they took to the vet for a condition that continuously resulted in being prescribed a medication or expensive test that got them nowhere. I knew that our dogs deserve better and their humans need a little help, so I decided to pursue becoming a certification in canine nutrition.

My pack consists of my partner (Storm) and dog (Arthur), both of whom have been an inspiration and the reason this idea all started. I like to think of our pack as the lone wolves – our lifestyle and beliefs have evolved through this journey and become a little more unconventional than our friends and family. Our lives have become centered around a wellness based lifestyle, and when we aren’t closely analyzing the ingredients of every food and deodorant we buy, we spend most of our days ideating and working through our mission to bring awareness about the detrimental impacts of our food and environment, and to educate and empower people to take control of their wellness, leading a life that gives them the opportunity to become more connected to themselves. We are thankful to have met many wonderful people along the journey who introduced us to this way of thriving and share the same ideas about this lifestyle, and others who are curious and want to know more. As this story continues to unravel, we realize how many people are out there that want to know what they can do for themselves, their families and their pets, but are so overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. So, we are determined to take you there. It takes a pack to raise a pup!
